Young New Gun Beats Out Canadian Vet for Win

Oct 12, 2006

Fifty-Five player decended upon Shooters Billilards in Scarborough, Toronto for the Canadian 30K Tour this past weekend. Lots of new faces continue to come to the events and that is wonderful. One player traveled a good distance to be present and was rewarded by his first tour win. Harvey Shognosh who plays out of Strokers and Pool Paradise focused and beat out the excellent field to take first.
Once again for all the players that went two and out were added to an end of the season lottery where a player's name will be picked randomly from the list of names to win a special prize valued at no less than $500. The more tournaments a person plays, the better odds will increase in your favor as each tournament represents one entry, depending on the participation of this tour more prizes may be added to this section.
The "Hot seat" match was between Harvey Shognosh 7+ and Mario Morra 9 (match is 8-10) and Harvey prevailed by the score of 8-6. On the one loss side it was Erik Hjorleifson 9+ vs. Jeff Trudelle 7 (match is 10-7). Trudelle beat Hjorleifson hill-hill sending Hjorleifson home with 7th/8th place. The bottom bracket pitted Mike Roberts 9 vs. Marc Bucais 5 (match is 9-5). Roberts prevailed with a 9-3 win. Bucais also packs it in for the day with a 7th/8th place finish.
Now Trudelle 7 faced Arbi Seriani 6+ (match is 8-7) with Trudelle disposing Serani with a convincing 8-5 score. In the match with Mike Roberts 9 vs. John Morra 9 it went hill-hill again this time in John Morra's favor. Roberts and Seriani take 5th/6th place.
In the semi finals it was Trudelle vs. John Morra 9 (match is 7-9) with Trudelle once again moving on and sending J. Morra off to a spectator chair. John takes a respectable 4th place. Now Trudelle 7 ushers off to face the other Morra, papa Mario Morra 9. Itching to get back on the A side of the board, M. Morra decisively beats Trudelle 9-5.
Mario goes over the bridge to see the young gun Harvey Shognosh for the finals. It was one of those matches where one player seems to get all the rolls while the other doens't. Harvey had the pool gods smiling at him because he dominated the match from the beginning. At 7-1 in Shognosh's favor in an 8-10 race when Harvey is sitting on the hill, Mario starts the comeback and grinds it out like a veteran and wins 6 straight. However with such a huge deficit to overcome one mistake cost Morra the match. After missing a shot finally, Morra allowed Shognosh back to the table to run a few last balls and take the match. The final score was 8-7
The pay outs are:
1. Harvey Shognosh $ 1600.00 w/ calcutta
2. Mario Morra $ 880.00 w/ calcutta
3. Jeff Trudelle $ 500.00 w/ calcutta
4. John Morra $ 300.00 w/ calcutta
5. Arbi Seriani $ 100.00
6. Mike Roberts $ 100.00
7. Erik Hjorleifson $ 50.00
8. Marc Bucais $ 50.00

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