Young Blood Dany Nguyen Strikes Again at Final Pro Tournament

Mar 23, 2014

Le Skratch Laval was the scene of the final professional tournament of the season for the FQSB. There were 35 die hard players who took to the roads despite yesterdays snowstorm. I was not one these brave souls as I live 1.5 hours away on a clear day, so I decided to stay in the comforts of my home and get updates via Facebook and from friends in attendance.
Local shooter based out of Malone New York, Norm Pomainville had my support yesterday as I watched him make his way through the brackets. Being that Malone is less then an hour from my home room of Rack-M-Up Billiard and that we have a stable of talent for a small community I have spent a lot of time sweating out his matches. Pomanville is one of my favorites to watch not only because he is a lefty like me but because of his ability to balance family life and his career as a teacher, all while still being able to take down a  tournament here and there like he did last year on the Joss N.E Tour.
Dany Nguyen
Pomanville started of with a bye then played well known AA Gaston Boisvert and made quick work of him 9-1. As the competition got stronger Pomanville maintained his level beating AAA's Michelle April and Mario Paradis back to back 9-6 9-7. Next up was Dany Nguyen who has been near the top of every tournament bracket for a few years now. He spent some time tearing up the Semi-Pro division until he was bumped up to pro last year, however that did not seem to slow him down as he has already won a Pro tournament in Quebec City. Nguyen fresh off his win against back to back winner on the Joss N.E tour this season Danny Hewitt proved to be just a bit too much for Pomanville beating him 9-6. Up next for Pomanville was non other than Alain Martel who edge him out 7-5 and ended his day in 5th.
Nguyen continued his undefeated run on the winners side beating Eric Claude in the hot seat match. Claude then went on to knock out Ghislain Champagne in third place to earn a second chance at Nguyen, who was too strong on this day beating Claude 11-7 to win the tournament. Congratulations to Dany Nguyen and all the top finishers and I look forward to next seasons pro-events.
1. Dany Nguyen $1000
2. Eric Claude    $600
3. Ghislain Champagne $400
4. Alain Martel $300
5/6 Norm Pomanville/Danny Hewitt $100

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