White Shirts Rule Them All

Aug 26, 2016

There were some new names and old names in this week’s 2-5 9 ball event, however, the white shirts came out on top. In the last 12, on the A-side there was Nito Bucais versus Mel Berber and Masahaka Munene versus Che Lemmon. The B-side was filled with a few newer names, there was Roy McConell versus Eva Bouldings, Dean Bouldings versus Jason Aquino, Svetlana Kazakh versus Noel Bregaudit and lastly, Rob McGill versus Curtis Miller.
Mel and Che beat their opponents 5-4 and 6-0 respectively. Mel has been consistently playing well over the past few weeks and Che after an 8th place finish from his last tournament blew his opponent away. The B side saw Eva Bouldings advance for a second time in two weeks, beating Jason and Nito 4-3 and 4-2 respectively to advance to the B side semi-finals. Curtis Miller emerged as her opponent beating Noel 6-3 and Shaka hill-hill. The final four at this point are Mel and Che on the A side and Curtis versus Eva on the B side semi-final.
With Mel and Che shooting some of the best pool people have seen from them in a tournament it would be hard to judge who would come out on top to guarantee themselves a 1st or 2nd place finish. Che gathered a lead which he kept to beat Mel 6-3. Mel would now be waiting in the hot seat for the winner between Curtis and Eva. Eva seemed to have no problem beating 5s this whole tournament and disposed of Curtis the same way with a 4-3 victory. However, Mel seemed to be her kryptonite as Mel dominated the match with a 5-1 win which would allow him his second chance against Che Lemmon.
The final was summed up very quickly with Che running away with the match. Che was on fire and stole the night away with a 5-1 win over Mel to become this week’s 2-5 champion.

As always Shooters Snooker Club would like to thank all the players who came out to play and support the 2-5 9 Ball event. Shooters will continue to create tournaments to help develop players and push them to new heights. More importantly, huge congratulations to Che Lemmon who is this week’s 2-5 9 ball Champion. Additionally, Shooters would like to make an honourable mention to Mel Berber who played strong all day but was no match for Che.
Prize Payout: $575
Calcutta: $260
1. Che Lemmon - $240
2. Mel Berber – $160
3. Eva Bouldings – $105
4. Curtis Miller - $70
**Calcutta Not Included**

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