Waleed tops OBSA at The Corner Bank

Mar 14, 2017

The final OBSA amateur tour event has finished and what a battle down to the wire for who will be the tour champion!!! and who would make the top 3!!
Paul Duell
The points leader Paul Duell started the day with a couple strong wins until he hit a wall called Waleed Hashem in the 3rd round who sent Paul to the B side. Brad Guthrie who was in second place (By only a few points) fell to Waleed's game in the very first round.  Brad would have a long battle on the B side to now get ahead on Paul in points. Brad started his campaign for tour leader on the B side with some tough wins including 3rd place tour member Rod Arsenault. Brad was on a mission until he ran into Peter Linkletter who won a hill hill battle (5-7 race).
Paul was already a round ahead and Rod taking a surprisingly early exit (With losses to Greg Plester (4th) and Brad Guthrie (2nd)). Brad was going to have to settle for 2nd place in the tour Championships. Waleed continued dominating the A side with another win over Tom Fraser to secure the hot seat. Paul pushed through the B side with wins over Shane Gummerson, Greg Plester and then Tom Fraser to get back to Waleed and another chance at the trophy, the title, and the cash!!
However Waleed would not be denied today, he maintained his high-level play leading 5-1 in a true double race to 8. Paul then hit a gear and brought it back to 5-5, coming up a little short on the 8 off the 7 he tried to slide off a long 8 ball for perfect side shape only to bobble the 8. That would be the defining moment in the finals and Waleed kept his demeanor and played strong winning the final event undefeated!!
Congrats Waleed and the win!! As well to Paul Duell, Brad Guthrie and Rod Arsenault for finishing top 3 in this season's inaugural tour. Once again thank you for the support on this tour, we had over 150 players throughout the season and look to come back even stronger next September. Remember April 7/8/9 is your Provincial Championships with $3,000 added with top 6 getting paid entry and expenses to the National CBSA amateurs in Quebec in May. The provincials will fill up fast so register soon.

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