Vidas wins Canadian 20K Shooters Stop

Jun 22, 2006

Thirty-Nine players participated in the season final regular stop for the Canadian 20K Tour. The one-day handicapped event was held at Shooters in beautiful Toronto. The hot seat match was between tour regulars Mike Vidas 9+ and Al Lougheed 8+ (match is 9-8). Mike Vidas captured the seat by a 9-6 score.
The one loss side quarter final saw Jason Klatt 9+ vs. Leo Sauve 6 (match is 10-6). Jason soundly defeated Leo 10-3.
On the bottom bracket, Erik Hjorleifson 9+ beat out Ramon Mistica 9+ and Erik prevailed over Ramon 9-6. Then the two brackets were brought together. The first match of the combined brackets was between Erik Hjorleifson and Jason Klatt. The match went hill-hill, however Erik prevailed and sent Jason packing home with a 4th place finish.
In the semi-finals Al Lougheed played Erik Hjorleifson. Erik prevails again winning 9-6 and marches off towards the finals with hot seater Mike Vidas. Erik needed to win two sets to MIke's one set to nine. But it was Mike's day, or you could say, the day with the Vidas touch.
Pay outs:
1. Mike Vidas $ 1400.00 ** Calcutta
2. Erik Hjorleifson $ 820.00 ** Calcutta
3. Al Lougheed $ 450.00 ** Calcutta
4. Jason Klatt $ 240.00 ** Calcutta
5. Leo Sauve $ 60.00
6. Ramon Mistica $ 60.00
Second chance:
1. Marvin Catindig $ 60.00
2. Justin Monague $ 20.00

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