Tournament continues for Muratore, ends for Mehmetcik

Oct 11, 2013

Favorites make their way in loser's qualification round
Kyrenia, North Cyprus: In the clash between North Cyprus' hope Berk Mehmetcik and Italy's Bruno Muratore, the likable Italian dominated with 9:6 in the end and stayed alive in the tournament.
Bruno Muratore (ITA)
It was a thriller with ups and downs on both sides. "I have not played too well", stated Muratore after the match. In fact, he went ahead with 4:2 after six racks just to find himself trailing 4:5 after nine racks. The tide had turned in the match and things looked promising for Mehmetcik. But Muratore was able to strike back and gained some momentum from that. When he was leading 7:5 after 12 racks, he had an open table in front of him. Mehmetcik left him a shot and only six balls on the table. But Muratore got a dead straight position on the 5-ball and while trying to get position for the 6-ball he scratched. With that grave mistake he brought Mehmetcik back into the match. The young Cypriot used his chance and got one rack back from Muratore, turning the score to 6:7. But then Muratore prevailed in the match. He scored two more racks and finished Mehmetcik with 9:6. Muratore will now enter the single elimination stage of the event while Mehmetcik will have to settle for 33rd.
Other notable results include Stephan Cohen (FRA) wasting no time with Henrikas Strolis (LIT), eliminating him clearly with 9:4. Cohen, just as 10-ball World Champion Huidji See (NED) who beat Massimo Laucci (ITA) 9:5 will need another victory in order to join Muratore in the top 32 players. Other favorite players are already in the single elimination stage with Muratore. Jim Chawki (SWE) whitewashed Roman Yaroshenko (RUS) 9:0. Ivo Aarts (NED) defeated Ferdi Özdemir (TUR) with 9:4. Nick van den Berg (NED) wiped the floor with Kristoffer Mindreboe (NOR) 9:2. After losing to Tony Drago, Chris Melling (GBR) ket a foot in the door of the tournament and won over Christopher Hall (GBR) 9:5. Tonight at 20:00 local time, the single elimination stage of the final 32 players will begin.
The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website or contact our press office.

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