Third Rack-M-Up Summer Series Results

Jun 17, 2014

For the second time out of the three tournaments thus far, a full field of 16 showed up to take part in this handicapped event. A busy end of the season tournament schedule kept me out of the first two of the series. However now that the circuits in Montreal and Ottawa are done for the year the Rack-M-Up series provides a great opportunity for competitive players like myself to stay in form during the off-season.
Unfortunately it was a short and swift exit for me on this day. I started off playing local hotshot Jacques (Jacques-pack) Sauve who is a (7). I currently shoot as a (5) and was up 4-3 when I let one bad miss eat at me and it turned into a flurry of errors that resulted in a 7-4 loss. Next up was Walter Sydlowski (6) a wily veteran who took advantage of my weakened state and punished me 6-2.
Sauve went on to win a few matches after me, then ran into Jeff Flemming(6) from Brockville Ontario, in the winners side final. Flemming, who regained form after suffering a horrific knee injury last year that resulted in a full knee replacement, caught a gear and easily beat Sauve setting up a rematch between himself and Jody (Dirt). Roy, who is also a (7) was dialed in as he won a few matches after his previous loss to Sauve. With this confidence and determination to settle the score, Roy played near flawlessly winning 7-4.
The wait between the Winners side final and the actual final did not seem to bother Flemming. He got to work immediately in the first rack, cutting the 3 ball full table into the 9 which was near the pocket but no hanger for a 1-0 lead. From there, Flemming built a 2 game lead which he never relinquished, eventually winning 6-5.
The next tournament will be June 28. If you have not played in any of the events remember there are only five left to get the four needed to qualify for the Grande Finale. Also I apologize for the lack of photos as I experienced a technical issue with my camera.
To book your spot in the next tournament call Doug at 613-933-9362.
Jeff Flemming-$160
Jody Roy-$100
Jacque Sauve-$60
Kevin Thibeault-$40

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