The Sniper III Bar Box Event

Jun 1, 2015

Bar Box Eight-ball is not a walk thru the woods as some people would think because of the smaller table size.  When two good players meet up it can be a grinding match unless the break opens the table to the shooter’s expertise.  Come up dry on your break and your skilled opponent can easily run-out.  If the balls are clustered the game becomes a chess match. On Saturday May 30ththere was a small turn-out at the Sniper III event at Petrina’s in Ajax but the competition was intense.  With the attendance of Gene Lew, Sam Maltese, Brad Guthrie, and Andy Mizan the event had many faces capable of shooting the lights out.
The event was a $250 added event open only to UHS Validated Players.  Before the tournament started Andy Mizan was refunded his $40 in the raffle.  In the secret match Dan Seens (5) collected $100 for defeating Brad Guthrie (8). Dan Seens, the eventual winner, showed that practise, persistence, and the grace of the Pool Gods occasionally pays off.  Dan faced Brad Guthrie (8) in the final where he triumphed on the second set.

We look forward to seeing everyone on June 28th for SNIPER IV.
1st      $160 Dan Seens  (5)
2nd      $120 Brad Guthrie (8)
3rd       $80 Gene Lew (8)
4th       $40 Roland Amyot (6)

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