The Eurotour is back!!

May 5, 2021

The EPBF announced today that their events will commence, starting with the  Dynamic Billard Sankt Johann Im Pongau Open.  

June the 17th will be the big day when the 9-balls are dropping for the first time  in over a year as the EPBF strive to regain some normality out of a difficult time.  EPBF president Gre Leenders said “ Our local host in Austria has done wonders  with the local authorities and we are constantly updated on the situation there.  With the precautions in place and travel restrictions becoming more open now,  we are very happy to begin our season of events in Austria”. 

Due to the restrictions, the Dynamic Billard Sankt Johann Im Pongau Open will  now be played over four days instead of the usual three. Although the Predator  Women’s Sankt Johann Im Pongau Open will proceed as usual with the two  playing days, it means the women will not be permitted into both events this  time. 

Registration is now open on the Eurotour website for all athletes wishing to dust  off their cues and get playing again. Restrictions are in place and changes will be  updated as the event nears, but all precautions have been taken to ensure a safe  environment for everyone. You can find more information on the event in the  

invitation available on the Eurotour website.  

The EPBF has also teamed up with One Sport TV who will be hosting online  qualifiers for each event and you can find out more information via the One  Sports TV Facebook page. 

For more information on all the up-coming EPBF events, visit

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