The Association of Billiard Professionals 2012

Jan 9, 2012

The Association of Billiard Professionals is now entering its second full year of representing the greatest international players from around the world. 2011 was a paramount opening year for the ABP as it increased its membership from the original eleven on its Board of Directors to nearly a hundred professional players. It created a website designed by Keith Larsen and it was able to obtain legal counsel in the person of Dennis M. Walsh of Chicago,Illinois, who was able to lend his time and assistance to the cause of helping the pool players. It also sanctioned its first event, the 70th World Tournament of 14.1.
Its most publicized achievement was, of course tackling the problem of unsecure prize funds, most notably at the US Open 9-Ball Championship. What started out as vague statements that the players will be paid ended up as the subject of numerous negotiating sessions culminating in a signed contract between the promoter and the ABP. The BCA, through its CEO Rob Johnson, helped enforce the terms of the agreement and for the first time in many years, the players were paid in a timely manner.
"We had a great 2011 and we are all closer to accomplishing the goals of the ABP. We aim to help professional players get closer to their dreams. Looking back, we are happy of the cooperation we had with Barry Behrman on the US Open 9-Ball, and the assistance from the BCA through it's CEO Rob Johnson. 2012 is going to be even better with more promoters stepping up to do the right things and players getting more benefits", said Johnny Archer, ABP President and 25 year touring professional player.
In 2012, the ABP plans to sanction more events and in that regard will be introducing the ABP International Ranking Point System which has been created by ABP associate Joel Pope. The ABP will also be introducing the ABP Rules & Format which it hopes will standardize the sport further. The planned integration will be a process, and the ABP is not expecting an overnight change, and is ready to work with promoters and associations to take time to integrate these needed changes into our sport.
"We want to work with everyone and also let everyone know that we are here to stay. The professional players should always have representation. We want to be able to draw more coverage to our sport and get more money in so that promoters, sponsors, and players can all make a living. We need to first take care of the basics and do what we can to standardize the games, the rules, the equipment and the rankings. We need everyone's help to make our sport organized. We know we have to crawl before we run," added Rodney Morris, Vice President of the ABP and 20 year touring professional player.
Some of the prominent members of the ABP are world class professionals Shane Van Boening, Efren Reyes, Mika Immonen, Darren Appleton, Ralf Souquet, Niels Feijen, Dennis Orcullo, Oliver Ortmann, Alex Pagulayan, Thorsten Hohmann, legendary players Buddy Hall, Mike Sigel, Allen Hopkins and many more.
The ABP is a united assembly of international professional billiard players. The ABP was formed to be the voice of players worldwide in order to assist in tournament and industry challenges. ABP directives include standardizing equipment, rules, insure the timely payment of prize money, assistance to promoters and sponsors, and overall protection and security of professional players. The ABP works to improve the sport of billiards and jointly works with associations, promoters, sponsors and players alike in the joint goal of growing our sport and providing security to all involved. Membership of the ABP includes players from Europe, Asia, and the United States. To join and support the ABP e-mail and visit

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