Snooker Sweepstakes Winner Announced !

Nov 15, 2015

At long last, the winner of the Snooker Sweepstakes has been announced, and it will go to a snooker enthusiast out of Mississauga, Ontario. Snooker Sweepstakes Winner Announced !
Congratulations to Mr. Syed Ayub who claimed the prize, which will include 2 round trip airplane tickets to England, 7 nights accommodations, and a pair of tickets to a snooker event of his choice. A prize value of over $5,000.
A total of 1181 tickets were issued for the sweepstakes and the organization to pick the winner was the travel agency that is sponsoring the trip, DH Tour, out of Burlington, Ontario.
For 17 years DHTour has been specializing in sending clients to Britain and Europe as well as customized groups around the world.
If anyone is interested in joining us, Snooker Canada will be putting together a small group of snooker enthusiasts from all over Canada to go watch the pros in England and see how they do it live. If you have ever dreamed of doing this, you can now check this off your bucket list and join us as we are planning for 2016.
Give us a call at 888-487-7506 for more details or visit DH Tour’s website at

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