Snooker Canada Website Stats Triple

Oct 2, 2014

The last 12 months has seen a lot of new things happening within the Canadian snooker world.

The inaugural Richler Cup with the largest prize pool in a long time.
The inaugural Canadian University Championships, seeing more young people playing snooker was great!
The creation of a tutorial for how to play the game of snooker, for the newbies.
A full page article in the Globe and Mail about snooker.
CTV and Global television coverage of snooker.
These and a host of other smaller ingredients have added up to a tripling of our visitors to snooker Canada’s website.
If you are reading this article, we would like to thank you for your continued interest and support.
Our goal is to continue to develop the game nationwide and increase our visibility even more.
With a lot of exciting announcements in the pipeline, we are optimistic that we can do this.
See you on the baize again soon!

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