Snooker- $20,000 Canadian Open is Official

Nov 6, 2013

 Snooker Canada Presents
The $20 000 Canadian Open
Snooker Canada is pleased to announce the inaugural $20 000 Canadian Open, which will have qualifiers taking place in different parts of Canada beginning in January, 2014.  Many new concepts are being introduced in this event, which is sure to appeal to snooker players of all levels.
1.       Various forms of payment will be accepted including checks and credit cards.
2.       The top elite players are not eligible to participate until the third round of the tournament.
3.       Every round advancement has a prize money attached to it, including the first round.
4.       Match schedules are flexible and adaptable to the player’s other commitments.
5.       1st round knockouts receive a free chance for a wild card re-entry into the tournament.
Remarkably, in the first 48 hours following the announcement, 30 players have already registered. There are still a few spots remaining.

For more information or to register           Phone:  888-487-7506


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