"Shoot Until You Miss" at Petrina’s

Apr 20, 2016

When the some of the province’s best pool players gather it is an event! When some of the province’s best pool players partner up in doubles competition it is a battle! On the weekend of April 16th twenty-one pairs of pool players participated in partners pool tournament at Petrina’s. The “shoot-until-you-miss”, maximum 16 handicap format witnessed great run-outs and seemingly illogical shots at times but nonetheless a war was raged.
The tournament, run by the ever diligent and tongue tied Barry Hetherington ran into the deep hours of Sunday morning as the field of players had elected to play the event in one day. With so many Le Spot players in attendance Petrina’s was renamed Le Spot East for the day. With the likes of John White, Chris Pegg, Rob Brandenburg, Carlin Sanderson, Ben Fraser and Sumon Sarkar the competition was intense from the start.
The fierce fighting duo of Jago Raghoo (9) and Ryan Phulchand (7), easily dismissed the congenial duo of Kimme Lafayette (5) and John White (11) in a (7-1) rump kicking. The team of Alex Marsilii (7) and Sumon Sarkar (9) swept away Chris Pegg (10) and Marcie Dunbar (6) by a score of (7-3). The early field favourites, Rob Brandenburg (9) and Mike Patay (7) shot a quick victory over Derrick Claus (10) and Kevin Maracle (6) by a score of (7-2). Ron Scriver (6) managed to rope Carlin Sanderson (9) as his partner and faced Steve Thorne (8) and Brian Clumpus (8). The result was (6-3) in favour of Sanderson and Scriver.  Brian Belobradic (9), always a tourney favourite, had paired up with Mike “Mountainman” Van Eck (7) and showed their skill-set in the dismissal of Wayne Tate (9) and Jody Squires (7) in a (7-4) result.
Not resting on their laurels from the first win, Belobradic and Van Eck took on and defeated Billy Peters (8) and Chris Anglin (8) by a (7-2) score to make it to the A-side semi-finals where they met and lost to Scriver and Sanderson in (6-4) match. The duo of Patay and Brandenburg seemed invincible. They had wins of (7-0) over Dwayne Martin (8) and Ryan Ireland (8) and (7-1) rout of Raghoo and Phulchand to make it to the A-side finals against Scriver and Sanderson.
The A-side final was a (6-4) defeat of Brandenburg and Patay by Scriver and Sanderson.

The B-side is always the more dramatic side as the losers are relegated to the C-side beach. The Maltese boys, on different teams, matched up in the first round of the B-side and Benny Maltese (7) and Terry Martin (9) sent Sam Maltese (8) and Tom Fraser (8) to the showers in a (7-4) final. Terry and Benny were then bumped off easily (7-1) by Tate and Squires.  The “must see” match of the B-side was the contest between Dunbar and Pegg against Lafayette and White.  The ebullient Pegg and White traded off run-outs and errors and the ladies impressed with potting and safeties.  In the end White and Lafayette emerged (7-5) victors and moved on.  Ben Fraser (8) and Wayne Dwyer (8) two players who know their way around bar boxes were playing injured.  Wayne had a broken rib which made the break and bending over difficult but did not want to let his partner down.  The result of their match was a complete disaster losing (7-2) to Lafayette and White who were hot off of their win against Pegg and Dunbar.
The next round was not so favourable to John and Kimme. They lost (7-4) against Derrick Claus (9) and Kevin Maracle (6) in match that really was closer than it looked.  Belobradic and Van Eck were stopped on their march to the B-Side finals by (7-2) loss at the hands or Ireland and Martin who would face Raghoo and Phulchand the winners over Claus and Maracle.
In tense B-side semi-final Raghoo and Phulchand met up against Ireland and Martin, two players determined to advance in spite of their own reservations. In the end the duo from Le Spot were too much to bear and Martin and Ireland fell (7-4).
The B-side final was a grinder with early back and forth wins before Patay and Brandenburg emerged (7-4) winners over Phulchand and Raghoo.
The final was equitable split at 3:10 am, which all agreed made sense.
Of note: As all the principals of the UHS were on hand it was decided that moving forward the handicap ceiling for bar-box play would be (10) reasoning that there is not much difference between 9,10,11.
The next MAX 16 will be held at the CORNERBANK.
1st & 2nd  Scriver/Sanderson     Patay/Brandenburg            $2000/$1800   (Split)
3rd Raghoo/Phulchand                                                                   $650/$540
4th Martin/Ireland                                                                            $500/$400
5th 6th Belobradic/Van Eck       Maracle/Claus                         $250/$250

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