She is Back

Jul 20, 2011

On July 16, 2011 BigWigs Billiards in Newmarket, ON, Canada hosted the very first stop of the Tiger Canadian Women’s Pool Tour for the 2011 9 ball season. Although there weren’t many woman players on hand to showcase their talent, there was one young lady in particular who had graced us with her presence. Marina Linguerri, does that name ring a bell? Miss Linguerri was first spotted on hand a few years back and comes to us from Ottawa, Ontario just a few hours east of Toronto. Linguerri, sponsored by The Winning Stroke suddenly disappeared from the pool scene for a couple of years however, now she’s back! Marina is no stranger to competing. In fact, her biggest competition to date was playing in the Women’s Professional Billiard Association about 2 ½ years ago where she met up against fellow WPBA and one of the world’s best female pool players, Jeanette (The Black Widow) Lee.
I spoke with Marina as she described her match to me and I could hear the excitement in her voice when she was telling me the scenario. Linguerri stated she had the Black Widow down 7-4, however, Jeanette got to the hill first on a race to 9. Marina stated she fought hard to get back to tie the match up and low and behold what did this little package do, she beat the Black Widow who has by far created the image that only most women dare to dream of. Marina travels to and from Ottawa with her Mother at hand supporting her daughter in every possible way she can. I really have to hand it to her, she is a trooper and its Mother’s like that this set the bar by showing that all parents should support their children with whatever their dream may be.
There were a few upsets in matches throughout the day. Hanna Kwon drew veteran player Denise Belanger and went hill-hill with Belanger but succumbed to Belanger’s knowledge of the game. Hanna then went on to win a couple of more matches but ended up losing to Krista Walsh whom she recently beat at the Canadian 8 ball Championships. It clearly seemed that Kwon’s injury from her car accident got the best of her that day.
With the night winding down, another new player to the tour and only 14 years of age, little Kayla Roloson took the drive from the London area with her parents and sister on hand rooting for her. Her uncle, I believe, was also watching on the live stream where he witnessed Kayla defeat Miss Belanger 6-8 thus knocking her out of the event but then ended up coming short in her efforts and lost to Krista Walsh 7-3.
The finals were set which promised to be a great match on hand, as well as through the official live streaming channel the tour implemented this past year. This is the link for future reference: Ustream Link. Both ladies had to race to 9 and both ladies capitalized when the other made mistakes. The score after the first four games was tied at two apiece and then went game for game up until game 10 where Walsh pulled ahead 6-4. Linguerri quickly tied it back up in game 12. Walsh then pulled ahead again sitting on the hill and then out of nowhere this little firecracker blew up the dynamite right before her eyes to capture the title of the Tiger CWPT ladies 9 Ball Challenge. Linguerri had wins over Donna Sasges 7-1, Krista Walsh, 7-5, Kayla Roloson 7-2 and then Walsh again 9-8. Congratulations to Marina Linguerri and Krista Walsh for taking home trophies and cash prize. Please join us on hand via the CWPT fan page on Facebook by acknowledging these ladies. Simply search Canadian Women’s Pool Tour and give these ladies a hand!!!
At this time I would like to thank Tiger, Delta, Tweeten Fibre co, CSC Blinds, CPA Southern Ontario Pool Leagues, as well as to Ken Bothom & Rob Blair of BigWigs for your ongoing support of the ladies of the tour. To those reading this we would appreciate you visiting our sponsor’s pages via the CWPT website and let them know you heard about them through the CWPT website.
1st - Marina Linguerri - $220
2nd - Krista Walsh - $120
3rd – Kayla Roloson
Article courtesy of CWPT

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