Scotch Doubles at Petrinas

May 13, 2015

Twenty-two players showed up at Petrina’s intent on taking home the spoils of victory.  The eleven combatant teams played for over $2400 in prize and calcutta money.  The event was handicapped with players racing to 3, 4 or 5 games dependant on their combined skill levels.
As all players were UHS members it was easy to pick partners.  Go to and find your best partner.  The ever affable tournament director, Barry Hetherington got things going efficiently with a quick calcutta and sale of TIME-OUTS and MULLIGANS.  The mulligan allows players with a bad break to break again.  The extra-funds generated added $245 to the total prize fund.  Petrina’s offers a mystery match and the winner receives $100.  On this day it was Dan Lewis (7) and Benny Maltese (6).
In the end there can be only one winner.  Before the finale the finalist agreed to an amicable split of funds and the tournament was over.

Players are encouraged to join the UHS at
1st  Derek Schussman (6)  and Sean Blomeley (5)
2nd Oscar Zapata (6) and Ken Ty (6)
3rd Benny Maltese (6) and Dan Lewis (7)
4th Colin Kerr (8) and Martin Snajdr (6)

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