Saskatchewan Provincial Snooker Championships

May 7, 2014

This past weekend at Kenetic Park in Swift Current, the Saskatchewan Provincial Championships took place. There was a full field of 16 with spots reserved for the top shooters in the province. New to the mix this year was Jared Amyot who hails from my home room of Rack-M-Up Billiards in Cornwall, Ontario. Just under a year ago Amyot, who recently became a professionally ranked pool player, moved to Estevan, Saskatchewan with his Fiancee for job opportunities. Jared Amyot
Since moving out west Amyot admits he has been barely playing as there is no pool hall in his town nor any place close by to play. He has a friend with a snooker table who lives about an hour away who he sneaks over to play about once a month in his spare time. However when he learned about the Provincial Championships he said it was a chance to take a romantic weekend trip and fill his craving for competition.
Organizer of this event and accomplished player, Terry Lovestone, was Amyot's first match, which he won 4-2 and said he had to play at his top to do so. His next match was against Jim Campbell which he took 5-2. Then Amyot met up with Mike Peters in the Semi-Final who ended his bid at the title 5-3.
In the end Darryl Wouters won his 12th Provincial Title and Mike Peters took second, Amyot did get a consolation prize by taking the 150$ high run with a run of 58.
Darryl Wouters-$750
Mike Peters-$350
Jared Amyot/Guy Lovestone-$100

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