Roland Amyot sweeps NAPA Ontario

Sep 13, 2016

Roland Amyot really came out on top in the NAPA Ontario Monday Night 8 Ball Singles Summer Session at Petrina’s in Ajax. In winning both the Regular Session and Playoffs, Roland walked away with $580.
Here is the complete breakdown:
Session Winner - Roland Amyot - $260
Playoffs Tier A - 1st - $320 - Roland Amyot
Playoffs Tier A - 2nd - $175 - Frank Kakouros
Playoffs Tier A - 3rd - $125 - Stephen Higham / Gerry Prosser Split
Playoffs Tier B - 1st - $125 - Stefan Bonnici / Graham Cuthbertson Split
Playoffs Tier B - 2nd - $75 - Stefan Bonnici / Graham Cuthbertson Split
Playoffs Tier B - 3rd - $50 - Brandon Jai Paul / Rob MacArthur Split
Next Monday Night Singles Session Starts Monday, September 19 - Session Length is 13 Weeks and the Fee is $130.00(May Change Due to Number of Players) - Session Fees to be Paid by September 15th.
Deadline for entry is Friday, September 16, 2016. Reserve your spot by emailing Also contact Rob if you want any information on the Ontario Chapter of the North American Poolshooters Association.

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