Rocket Defeats Van Boening to Win Saratoga The Tournament

Mar 31, 2013

Promoter EJ Glode. The Wyoming Open brings good times to the pros and the town once again
Saratoga, Wyoming- Rodney Morris went undefeated through a tough 32 man field to win his second Saratoga Game title. The game is a combination of 8-Ball & 9-Ball with a black 13-Ball to shoot last. The Saratoga Tournament was $500 added event limited to 32 players which mostly consisted of players in the Masters division of the Wyoming Open.
Tough draws early on saw Van Boening defeat Rafael Martinez in both their first time playing the game. Rodney Morris defeated Stevie Moore in the semi-finals. The finals pitted two of the hottest playes on tour now. Morris won the event again with a 4-2 win over Van Boening.
"I'm playing real good right now. This was the fifth time in a row I've beaten Shane these past few months. To beat a guy like that I know you have to be on your game", said Morris.
The players considers the Saratoga Tournament a preliminary warm-up to the following day's Wyoming Open.  After the tournament the players all hung out with the fans and townspeople enjoying the atmosphere of Duke's Bar and the Hotel Wolf.
"I feel like an honorary Wyomingian", said Charlie Williams, former Wyoming Open champion.



The Saratoga Tournament is majorly supported by the town's own businesses which include:
Carbon County Visitors Council, Pick Ranch, 1311 Koobey, Duke's Bar & Grill, Riviera Lodge, Hotel Wolf, Saratoga Lions Club & Shively Hardware.
To purchase a set of Saratoga Balls and rule book, or For more info or to play in the Wyoming Open contact or call 307-329-8924.  For more info and to follow the WY Open goto

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