Richler Cup Thank You’s & Payouts

Jun 6, 2015

Snooker Canada would like to thank all the people that were involved in making this event a great success.

Tournament Director : Gord MeWhiney
Master of Ceremony : Scarlett Deva Antaloczy
Tournament Host : Dan Paquette
Venue Host : Joe Campoli
Head Referee : Kevin Patrick
Tournament Referees : Jim Jack, Sylvain Ethier, Ron Adams, Bob Jezequel, Larry Lasalle, Dan Paquette
Host Venues : Humber College, Monte Carlo Billiards, Master Q’s
Host Hotels : Humber College & Monte Carlo Inn & Suites
Live Streaming : Guy Simard , Billard Quebec
Score Updates : Stephane Martineau, 147 Snooker Club
Television Media : Rogers TV,
Commentators : Brian Butler, Paul Potier
Photography : Rob DeCator, RGD Photography
Videography : David Lai , Visions By David
Movie Production : Waqar Malik, In Bold Media
Documentary Interviewer: Amaro Al-Zawahra
Music & Entertainment : Scarlett Deva Antaloczy
Scoreboard Creator : Bob Jezequel
Security : Bruce Butler
Monte Carlo Greeters : Joe Youssef & Doug Berry
Humber College Greeters:Emile Guigui, Rick Howard& Nicole Guigui
Humber College Decor : Daniel Gaudette & Guillaume Coté
Table Mechanic : Pat McCarthy
Finals Table Mechanic : John Tschirthart
Guest Speaker : Michael Levine
Tournament Webmaster : Jonathan Perlman
Promotions : Mohammad Obeid
British Columbia Rep : Vince Jones
Tournament Sponsors : Mr Billiards, Toronto Golf Show, Search Engine Studio
Tournament Exhibitors : Leo Ponzi, Kinetic Edge Therapies, F.G. Bradley’s, Charlie Mckay, DH Tours,Mr. Billiards
Media Sponsor : The Pool Scene
Official Travel Sponsor: DH Tours
Official Cloth Sponosor : Strachan
Official Balls Sponsor : Aramith
A special thank you goes out to Eddie Galati and Ross Carmosino for all the hours on top of more hours in preparation for this event. Unless someone has ever been involved in organizing an event of this magnitude, it would be very difficult to understand what is involved in executing all the details.
A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers, without you, this event could not happen and you will each be thanked personally.
Winner : Bob Chaperon $4000
Runner Up : Cheukyin Kwan $2000
Semi Finals: Gilles Boismenu $1000
Semi Finals: John Everekian $1000
5-8 $750 Each
9-16 $500 Each
17-32 $200 Each
High Run $300 Ahmed Aly
Clear the Colors Contest $1000 Paul Potier

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