We Remember Tommy Lee

Aug 24, 2016

We are sad to report that Canada has recently lost one of our finest snooker players.
Tommy Lee came to Canada from Hoi Ping, China at 11 years of age. At the age of 14, Tommy entered a billiard room and had played snooker ever since. His first Canadian Championship appearance was in 1978 where he earned the right to compete in the 1980 World Amateur Championships in Tasmania. In 1979 he was Canada’s number two ranked player. In the early 1980’s Tommy was considered the best oriental player in competition. Tom won the British Columbia Championship in 1987 and 1989 while finishing second on three different occasions.
Mr. Lee has three perfect games (147) and a dozen perfect games on pinks while having over 2000 century breaks (100+). On one occasion Tom had four century breaks in a five frame set with the three century breaks in each of the first three frames.
An exceptional teacher, Mr. Lee has had considerable success in passing on his skills and knowledge. His most famous student, Marco Fu (originally from Coquitlam) was ranked as high as fourth in the world professional ranks and is currently a ranking player on the British snooker scene. Tom was recognized as one of the top players in British Columbia for over 30 years.

There will be a memorial service at the Terminal City Club Vancouver in the billiard room Sept 7th from 2-4pm
Video footage with Tony Fun discussing Tommy Lee

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