RCC’s Final Champion Carlin Sanderson

Jun 22, 2014

Carlin Sanderson & Rod Arsenault
The Royal City Challenge 2013/2014 season finished up in grand fashion, as 45 of the potential 89 qualified players came out to compete. The entry fees collected and the $500 added from Tony’s Billiards, made the pot worth playing for, but the Calcutta drew in some hugh money, with everyone bidding on their favorite players, making the stakes even greater!
Tony’s Billiards also brought in TVMike.tv to stream live matches on our “TV table” which had people from all over North America watching the action. Thanks to Mike Warden for coming in to produce the event for us. The streamed matches can be viewed on his website, hopefully later this week.
Congratulations goes out to the Royal City Challenge Champion “Carlin Sanderson” Carlin drew Adrian Fragoso first round, defeated him and continue to win on the A side, defeating Dave Lettner, and Adam Monture, but came up short when he met Ephriam Day, who sent him over to the B Side. Carlin found his game on the B Side, defeating Paul Edgar, George Cornelius and Adam Monture, and then sitting on the B Side finals, met his rival, Ephraim again, this time winning to send him over to the final match against Rod Arsenault, who had yet to be defeated. Rod drew a Bye the first round, but then met up with some strong competition, playing and defeating JJ Sackaney, Nick Persian, Jesse Piercy, Stephen Godinho and Ephraim Day, where he then met Carlin in the finals, losing but taking 2nd Place!
Eric Vandervlugt, Katherine Deveau and Angelo Cupelli from Tony’s Billiards, would like to thank each and every player who came out to support the 10 Events held, without all of you, the RCC would not have been a huge success! Look for a new season to begin in September/October of this year.
The Final Results


Carlin Sanderson

Rod Arsenault

Ephraim Day

Adam Monture

Paul Duell

Stephen Godinho

George Cornelius

Dan Shoemaker


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