Pan-American Snooker Championships

Dec 17, 2014

Dear Provincial Associations & Snooker Enthusiasts,
I do apologize for the short notice, but please find attached information on the 2015 Pan-American Snooker Championships. This will be the first year that hopefully Canada will be represented at this event. We can fill up to 4 spots. If any of the Provincial Associations would like to organize a qualifier for this event, please let me know as soon as possible. It would have to be completed by January 10, 2015 to give us time to make travel arraignments. Each participant will be responsible for their own expenses.

While the prize money is not huge, the benefits to the winner are! This event is recognized by the IBSF and the WSA, and the winner will receive:
1). Entry into the 2015 WSA World Professional Snooker Championship (April/May) !
2). Automatic qualification to play on the WSA Professional Snooker Tour 2015-16 !
3). Automatic qualification to play on the WSA Professional Snooker Tour 2016-17 !
That’s right – two years of playing on the world professional snooker tour – the world’s richest of any cue sport.
If any of you are interested in filling one of our allocated spots, could you please contact me as soon as possible.
Also please feel free to pass this email onto any other interested person that you may know.
CLICK HERE for more information

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