Pagulayan wins White Diamond Super 9-Ball

Nov 11, 2019

Congratulations to The Lion Alex Pagulayan for taking down the White Diamond Super 9-Ball!

Alex made his way back from the one loss side after Alex Calderon beat Pagulayan in the final four winners match 7-6. In the Finals, Pagulayan won the first set 7-5 and the 2nd set ended up a hill hill thriller with Alex P. making an incredible shot to finish out the last rack and capture the title.

Excellent job by Alex Calderon for finishing 2nd. Shane Mcminn took down 3rd place with some great shooting and Brad Weast earned a tough fought 4th place, Great job everyone!

PoolActionTV would like to give a hearty thanks to Chris Miller, owner of White Diamond Billiards for hosting this amazing event as well as TD Ashley Klein for making sure everything ran smooth as silk.

We would also like to give a warm thank you for some great commentary by Mary Kenniston, Barry Emerson and Alex Pagulayan himself.

Special thanks to all of the local sponsors as well as our regular PoolactionTV sponsors for their continued and valued support!

Next event will be Griff's Turkey Shootout Nov 22-24th at Griff's Bar & BIliards in Las Vegas! See you all then!!!

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