Ortmann through to final 32

Aug 17, 2012

Close results in the winner’s qualification round
Oliver Ortmann (GER) also won his third match in the Dynamic Billiard Germany Open Euro-Tour, defeating Ruslan Chinakhov (RUS) clearly with 8:4.
Oliver Ortmann (GER)
The result looks clearer than the match actually was. Ortmann, who had already beaten Paddy McLoughlin and Valery Kuloyants, had to deal with Chinakhov in the winner’s qualification round. Victories over Alexander Usbeck and Andrey Seroshtan paved the way for Chinakhov into that match. And Chinakhov had the better start. He took a nice 3:1 lead over Ortmann. One of Ortmann’s weakest points was his break. He just could not make a ball of the break and get position for his first shot. On the other hand, the safety play was Ortmann’s strong point. He definitely played better safety shots than Chinakhov and he had better escapes and resafes than the Russian. After four racks, the tide turned in the match. Ortmann grew stronger and stronger but still had to struggle with his break shot. Unfortunately, Chinakhov could not benefit from that. As the match went along, Ortmann claimed rack after rack and even overtook Chinakhov. After nine racks, the score was 6:3 in favour of Ortmann with Chinakhov’s break shot coming up. He broke the balls and remained dry on the break with the 1-ball playable and the 10-ball in the jaws of the pocket. Ortmann pocketed the first three balls and fired the 4-ball onto the 10-ball in order to sink it in the pocket and make the score 7:4 in his favour. Chinakhov never really recovered in that match anymore. He gave Ortmann a tough fight in the next rack, played the better safety shots and took the rack. But just after that, Ortmann won the next rack. Chinakhov scratched with only two balls left on the table. A deserved win for Ortmann but the result does not really display the course of the match.
Other notable results include from the winner’s qualification round include Denis Grabe (EST) creaming Dimitri Jungo (SUI) with 8:3. David Alcaide (ESP) won the thriller between him and last tournament’s winner Nikos Ekonomopoulos (GRE) by a margin of 8:7. In the loser’s round, Daryl Peach (GBR) eliminated Thomas Engert (GER) with 8:5 from the event.
The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website www.eurotouronline.eu , follow us on twitter @EPBF_News or contact our press office.

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