New League Buzzing – Over 100 Registered

Aug 12, 2015

The Canadian Snooker Tour has reached a new milestone !   Over 100 registered players.  Some might call that a century break, but the break is not over yet, as more balls are on the table to be potted.
Following 2 recent major announcements, registrations have been coming in at an unprecedented pace as calls and emails continue to come in from all over the country.
It seems snooker is alive and well in Canada and the most exciting part of this is that the best has yet to be announced.  All the details and schedules will be published by the end of the month.
Stay tuned for more news coming soon and if you have not registered for the largest snooker league in the country yet, we encourage you to do so as it is based on a first come first serve basis.  Thank You

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