Naomi Williams does it Again!!

May 23, 2016

On the 14th of May, 2016, Shooters Snooker Club in Toronto held its famous amateur one- day 9 Ball tournament which included 8 and under handicap levels. The whole day was generally fantastic. The skilled amateurs showed their intensity and devotion towards each game they played. There was a lot of excitement amongst the 32 players present.
After an intense day of the 9- Ball action, the players that remained were:
A Side Final:
Kevin Oliveira. vs. Sumon Sarker
B side Semi- Final:
Alan Ada. vs. Ryann Malinao
Brad Guthrie. vs. Naomi Williams
Naomi and Ryann then went through to the B side final whereby Naomi Beat Ryann by 7 games to 3 meanwhile Sumon Sarker had already beaten Kevin Oliveira 8-4 and was waiting in the hot seat to face the winner of Naomi and Kevin. Moving on, Naomi Williams shattered Kevin Oliveira by 7 games to 3 and was now pumped up to face Sumon Sarker whereby she had to beat her twice to pack up the tourney!
Naomi Williams went on a hill- hill match to achieve her victory against Sumon Sarker and only 1 set differentiated the 2 players from the Ultimate Prize. Naomi finally beat Sumon Sarker 7- 2 to attain her victory for the day!
Naomi Williams, Peter Chin and Sumon Sarkar
It was indeed a very tough day for all the players as the excitement levels were going up and down! But all in All! Noami Williams bagged the Victory! Credit also goes to Sumon Sarker for remaining undefeated in the A- Side! Congratulations to all the winners!
Field: Capped 32 players (One-Day)
Prize payout: $1,350 ( no green fee )
Calcutta: $850
1. Naomi Williams $500
2. Sumon Sarkar $320
3. Kevin Oliveira $210
4. Ryann Malinao $140
5. Brad Guthrie $90
6. Alan Ada $90
*** Calcutta not included ***
Shooters Snooker Club would also like to remind everyone that on the 28/29 of May, 2016, there will be a “4-7” EXTRAVAGANZA 9 Ball event. For more details, contact Peter Chin- 416 750 7787.
Last but not least, there will also be a “2-5” 8 Ball one day event on the 29th of May

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