Sarah Love and Nabeel Manek win Lucasi BigWigs

Jan 17, 2012

Arrived back from Ottawa safe and sound, to some pretty SPECTACULAR news...The Lucasi Amateur Shootout tour had 50 players this weekend at Big Wig’s!!!!! Thank you all for spreading the word, there is nowhere to go but up with this format. Unfortunately I missed out on our best event yet, but thanks to my trusty assistant Rod Babin and his girlfriend Mona, the tournament went off without a hitch!
There were 38 men in one division and we combined the women and juniors in another division of 12. Both groups played 5 rounds of 4 games in each round, with the top averages coming through to the single elimination rounds. The elimination rounds were race to 3.
After the dust settled, in the ladies and Juniors division, Sarah Love emerged the victor taking home $150 for her efforts, Nicole Stoker finished in 2nd place with $100 and 2 of our juniors made the cut as well, Cody Godfrey and Stuart MacTaggart took home $60 each.
In the men’s division, after a long hard day, we have another NEW winner, Nabeel Manek took home $250, Oliver Howson finished 2nd and received $200, John Serio and Clay Bowan (last events winner) finished tied for 3rd and 4th taking home $115 each, and rounding out the elimination rounds were Ken Cannon, Corey Wettlaufer, Cody Ward and Kevin Fenwick, each receiving $50.
Our event is in London at Stroker’s Feb 4th. I know a lot of you do not have vehicles, and now with the price of gas I am sure that those who are driving to the events would be happy for the company on the trip and help with gas. If you are in this situation, message me and I will try to arrange rides for people.
Thank you all for your support, we can only grow with your help. We are thinking about adding another division for the 6’s and 7’s as well, and would appreciate your input.
A big thank you to all of our sponsors Lucasi Cues, Simonis cloth, Atlas Billiard Supplies Big Wig's and Stroker's.
See you all at the next one!

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