Leo Sauve wins Canadian 20K Stop 11
Nov 29, 2005
Dunlop Billiards owner Brian Bedford was the host for this 20K-11 stop. The breakfast buffet was very good ($ 5.00) you could not go wrong... well done Brian.
As usual it went well, the weather held some players back while others where delayed by The Santa Claus Parade in Barrie. It was different at the end.
We had 48 players at this event and it had a large numbers of low handicaps, despite the numbers there were many hill-hill games and some players found the extra kick to get over the game and have some upsets.
The results of the finals will speak of the end. 8 players returned Sunday at noon to cash in.
Final 4 players A side top where Brian McDougall (7) vs. Leo Sauve (5+) with Brian besting Leo by a 8-5 score (game was 8-6).
The A side bottom featured Marco Hardey (4+) vs. Dave Osborne (4+) with Dave winning hill-hill.
The ?Hot Seat? match was held by Brian McDougall (7) vs. Dave Osborne (4+) and Dave prevailed on a hill-hill match with Dave winning 5-7 (the race was 5-8)
On the one loss side was Wayne Graves (6+) vs. Tol Kuy (8) with Wayne winning 7-7 (race was 7-9)
In the opposite bracket it was Mike Leigh (6+) vs. Steve Murray (7+) with Wayne winning 6-3 (race was 6-7)
Then it was Wayne Graves (6+) vs. Leo Sauve (5+) and Leo wins 5-5 (race was 6-5)
Mike Leigh was steam rolled by Marco Hardey 4-1.
However Marco settled for 4th place losing to Leo by a zip score of 5-0.
Leo played very loose vs. Brian McDougall who in turn smelled a win and played very tight. Leo was sent to the B side by Brian earlier but won the rematchby a 6-6 score.
Dave Osborne had been waiting for somebody to come see him in the finals and it was Leo who did exactly that. Leo went on to win the first set of the finals in a hill-hill match. The second set of the finals was what everyone was waiting for... Two low handicapped players at the finals and Leo exuded confidence on his way to a decisive 5-1 victory.
Congratulations Leo Sauve, welcome to the club.
Final Results
1- Leo Sauve $ 950.00 ** Calcutta
2- Dave Osborne $ 575.00 ** Calcutta
3- Brian McDougall $ 325.00 ** Calcutta
4- Marco Hardey $ 190.00 ** Calcutta
5- Wayne Graves $ 50.00
6- Mike Leigh $ 50.00
7- Tol Kuy $ 30.00
8- Steve Murray $ 30.00
The second chance tournament was won by:
1- Paul Piette $ 60.00
2- Gerry Hunt $ 25.00
By Tour Staff