Kuckherm won final of EPBF Bridge to Career event

Dec 9, 2012

Lars Kuckherm will be a Euro-Tour regular next year
Lars Kuckherm (GER) just won the EPBF Bridge to Career event with a 9:6 victory over fellow countryman Tobias Hoiss.
Lars Kuckherm (GER)
It was a start to finish victory for Kuckherm. He took a nice and comfortable 5:1 lead over Hoiss whose energy seemed to have been gone. After taking a time-out, Hoiss tried to come back and made the match a tighter affair. In the 13th rack, the score was 7:5 for Kuckherm and it was Hoiss’ turn at the table. He was about to become a serious danger for Kuckherm since it looked like he would take that rack with his own break shot coming up. But when he pocketed the 8-ball, the cue ball scratched very unfortunate in the side pocket. Hoiss was pretty frustrated about that. He ran the next rack like he did not care anymore, but played a run out. After that, Lars Kuckherm took the next and final rack in order to win the event.
Lars Kuckherm will attend all Euro-Tour events next year at no cost for him. Tobias Hoiss can chose three events, while Ivo Aarts and Marco Dorenburg can attend one event of their choice.
That concludes the coverage of this event.
The event was hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website www.wpapoolonline.com , follow us on twitter @EPBF_News or contact our press office.

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