Koshovyi trounced Mindreboe

Oct 10, 2013

Easy work also for Stepanov

Kyrenia, North Cyprus: Artem Koshovyi (UKR) trounced Kristopher Mindreboe (NOR) with 9:5 in the first winner's round of the Dynamic Billard North Cyprus Open.
Artem Koshovyi (UKR)
Koshovyi was simply the better player today. He had the better start and took a quick 3:0 lead over Mindreboe. But his work was not going to continue to be that easy. Mindreboe who has been playing the European circuit for several years now, kept a foot in the door and even managed to tie the match at 4:4. Then, the balls ran in favor of Koshovyi and he got on the hill without allowing Mindreboe to put one single point into his account, taking an 8:4 lead. That came onto Mindreboe like a ton of bricks. The pressure was simply too high for him to stand. He scored one more rack and then fell to Koshovyi with 9:5.
Another one who definitely wanted his spot in the next winner's round was Konstantin Stepanov (RUS). He made short work with Italy's Gabriele Crovetto and took the match with 9:2. "My opponent made too many mistakes", stated Stepanov after the match, "it was easy for me to gain momentum. Once I am on the roll it is hard to stop me", added Stepanov. Stepanov's fellow countryman Ruslan Chinakhov was not so successful. He got defeated by "The Tornado" Tony Drago (MLT) with 9:4 in 50 minutes. Radoslaw Babica (POL) smashed Ali Karanfiloglu (TNC) with 9:1 and sent him to the loser's side.
The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website http://www.eurotouronline.eu or contact our press office.

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