Khodjaeva too good for Czuprynska

Jul 28, 2013

Clear victory in clash of World Champions
Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina: In the girl's 10-ball competition, Kamila Khodjaeva (BEL) clearly overcame Oliwia Czuprynska (POL) with 5:3.
It was the clash of two Word Champions. Czuprynska, World 9-Ball Champion girl's division in 2011, took on Kamila Khodjaeva, the current and reigning World 9-Ball Champion in the girl's division. They also still had a score to settle. In the final match of the last W orld Championships, Khodjaeva wiped the floor with Czuprynska and terminated her 7:0. It was obvious that the likable Polish girl wanted her revenge for that. Maybe that was the reason why she was unusually nervous in the match.
Kamila Khodjaeva (BEL)
She missed extremely many balls according to her lights. She was probably not able to handle the pressure she had put on herself before the match. While Khodjaeva also had a bad start - both girls missed three shots each in the first rack alone - the Belgian recovered quickly and soon played near her usual standard. After Czuprynska had taken the first rack, Khodjaeva shifted into overdrive and took the next four consecutive racks. That put her on the hill with 4:1. Czuprynska seemed to be a bit helpless at the table. In the 7th rack, Czuprynska broke the balls and scratched, leaving a relatively easy layout for Kamila on the table. Everything looked like Khodjaeva would take the match home with smooth sailing. But she unexpectedly missed the 7-ball. That gave second life to Czuprynska. She managed to put her nerves together and pulled two racks back from Khodjaeva. With the score being 4:3 for Khodjaeva, the pressure was on her side again. But the 8th rack brought the decision. Czuprynska played two bad safety shots which was enough for Khodjaeva to Czuprynska will have to try her luck on the loser's side of the flowchart.
Other notable results from today's 10-ball competition include defending pupil's 10-ball and newly crowned straight pool Champion Joshua Filler (GER) smashing Italy's Paolo Prosdocimo with 6:1. One of the local heroes, Bosnia's Sanjin Pehlivanovic threw Mehmetali Sözgen (TNC) to loser's side with 6:2 and continued on his way to try and claim a medal for the host nation. By a hair's breadth, Sergey Lutsker (RUS) defeated Can Salim-Giasar (GER) with 6:5.
In the junior's division single elimination stage of the final 32 players, straight pool European Champion Sebastian Batkowski (POL) lost 3:7 to unheralded Tian Zhang (SWE). The "dark horse" from Turkish North Cyprus, Berk Mehmetcik, had an unpredicted tough fight with Alex Renard (FIN), which he was able to win with 7:5.  Today's matches will be 10-ball individuals until the 15:15 CET round. After that, the first team matches will be played.
The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website or contact our press office.

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