Joss Tour-$25,000 Added Turning Stone Classic XXII 9-Ball Open-Entry Info

Jan 3, 2014

Players & Fans,
I hope all of you had a very joyous and happy holiday season. Now that 2014 is here, I am ready to begin taking entries for my Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour's 2013-2014 season finale, the $25,000 Added "Turning Stone Classic XXII 9-Ball Open. The dates for the event are September 18-21, 2014. The entry fee is $150 for current 2013-2014 season members or $200 for all others. FYI, anyone that pays the $200 entry fee will automatically receive membership for the rest of this 2013-2014 season. That will allow you to compete in any of our regular season events without paying for membership or the one event fee for the remainder of the season. Even though the event is not until September, I urge you to enter now to avoid the possibility of being shut out. This event Always fills to the 128 player max many months in advance of the start date. Paying the full entry fee is the only way to assure yourself of a spot! All players who wish to enter must Call Mike Zuglan at 518-356-7163 for payment info. DO NOT send me money without calling first! As is always the case, spectator admission will be Free! Turning Stone Casino & Resort is one of the premier facilities of its kind anywhere, and a trip there would be an unforgettable experience. Check them out at
Once again I urge you to enter now if you really want to play in one of the best events in pocket billiards.
Please remember to support our host rooms and our most generous sponsors who we are extremely proud to be associated with. These people the backbone of our sport!!
Thank You,
Mike Zuglan
The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour is Proudly sponsored by;
Joss Cues -
Turning Stone Casino -
Simonis Cloth -
Pool on the Net - -
Cue Shark -
Tiger Products -
OB Cues -
The Billiard Press -
Heidrich Custom Cues -
World Class Cue Care -

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