Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour - 2013-2014 Schedule

Sep 26, 2013

I am pleased to announce my Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour's 2013-2014 season schedule. This will be our 17th consecutive season of events here in the Northeast. There are currently 13 regular season events plus our season finale, the $25,000 Added "Turning Stone Classic XXII 9-Ball Open", to be held on September 18-21, 2014. There will only be 1 Turning Stone event this season due to extensive renovations of the Event Center during January and February of 2014.

All of our events are open to all players. Entry fees vary so please refer to our site  for the details. All of the events with split added money listings such as $1500/$500 etc. will be our usual format of 2 separate events. The first added money is for the Saturday & Sunday main event, and the second is for a second chance event on Sunday only for those non pro level players that were eliminated from the main event. Again, please refer to our site for details regarding format, dress codes, cut off times etc.

Our complete schedule may be found on our site as well as, billiards publications and billiard web sites. I have also attached a copy for your convenience.

Below you will find a complete list, with contact info, of our new season sponsors. All of their donated products go to the host rooms to help offset their added money obligations. I urge you to support and recommend these generous companies whenever you can. A very special thanks goes out to Dan Janes of Joss Cues for all he has done for us since the beginning. FYI, Dan has donated one, sometimes two, $1,000+ range custom, engraved cues to each and every stop since the beginning of the tour. That is over 350 cues!! This season's raffle cue is valued at $1,500! and can be viewed here:
Thanks again to Dan, Steve and Debbie Janes, and ALL of our sponsors from all of us.

I hope to see you all soon, and please remember to spread the word to frequent your local billiard rooms and utilize these great companies who continue to help keep our great sport alive! Please feel free to contact me with any questions at 518-356-7163 or

Thank You,
Mike Zuglan

The Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour is proudly sponsored by;

Joss Cues -
Turning Stone Casino -
Simonis Cloth -
Pool on the Net - -
Cue Shark -
Tiger Products -
Owen-Bunnell, Inc -
The Billiard Press -
Heidrich Custom Cues -
World Class Cue Care -
Joss Tour 2013-2014 Schedule

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