James Wicketts wins Canadian Qualifier Event

Jan 20, 2014

A small field for the first qualifier tournament at The End Pocket in Hamilton on Saturday January 18th.  James Wickets and Chad Bishop were running though the A side while Onur Kavalcilar made his way from the B side after an early 6-1 loss to Dan Lewis.  Onur won 4 matches on the B side to get to the finals.  Seeming to run out of steam, Onur met his demise at the hands of tournament winner James Wicketts.
Here's the payouts (100% payback)
1 - James Wicketts $160
2 - Onur Kavalcilar $80
Special thanks to Dan Lewis who has organized multiple qualifiers in an effort to promote the upcoming Canadian Championships.   Keep you eye on the calendar for more announcements.

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