Heywood takes 1st in the 3rd RCC of the season

Dec 8, 2014

Saturday December 6th was a great day for Ben Heywood, as we once again saw a player go through a tough field undefeated. Ben had a tough first round draw with Ben Chang, coming out the victor and then successfully beating some room favorites Mike Patay, Paul Duell, Jeremy Isard and Pod Snagosh..and then sat waiting for the finals to begin…
Stuart McTaggart had a tougher route, as the youngster, just back from the Junior event in China, lost his first round against Dave Lettner, sending him to battle it out on the B Side. His opponents will agree that the more he played, the smoother his stroke got, and he successfully defeated Ted Easton, Scot Noonan, Tom Polsinelli, Rod Arsenault, Mike Patay, Jeremy Isard, Isaac Ramos and Pod Snagosh to meet Ben in the finals.
Stuart MacTaggart and Ben Heywood
The first round of the finals did go hill hill, but Ben got to the end first and won the event with a clean sweep. Congratulations Ben and Stuart on your amazing 9 Ball matches!
1st Place: Ben Heywood $460 – $790 (C)
2nd Place: Stuart MacTaggart $240 – $420 (C)
3rd Place: Pod Shognosh $160 – $280 (C)
4th Place: Isaac Ramos $ 95 – $160 (C)
5th/6th Place: Justin Leyland $ 50 – $ 80 (C)
5th/6th Place: Jeremy Isard $ 50 – $ 80 (C)

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