Hatch and Crowe score Joss Tour Wins

Mar 28, 2012

Dennis Hatch and Jerry Crowe won events over the weekend of March 24th - 25th at Salt City Billiards in Syracuse, NY. The main event saw 27 players competing and Dennis Hatch scoring yet another undefeated run through the field. Hatch took the hot-seat with a very close 9-7 win over tour points leader Bucky Souvanthong.
On the one loss side, Souvanthong found Nelson Oliviera waiting. Souvanthong had had no problem with Oliviera on the winners side, defeating Nelson 9-3. Oliviera was more than happy to return the favor this time with a 9-3 win over Souvanthong. Oliviera's strong play in the match against Souvanthong was no match for Hatch in the finals as Dennis ran away with a dominating 9-4 win for another tournament win.
The second chance tournament on Sunday saw Jerry Crowe take the hot-seat with a 3-0 win over Ed Saur. Saur came back from the left side after a 3-1 win over Tim Parisian and the two players squared off again in the double elimination finals. Saur won the first set of the finals 3-1, but Crowe came back to win the final set 3-2 for the tournament win.
The Joss NE 9-Ball tour will be at Raxx Billiards in West Hempstead, NY next weekend (March 31 - April 1) for a $2000 added weekend. $1500 will be added to the main event and $500 will be added to the second chance tournament. Players are still urged to contact Mike Zuglan soon in order to reserve their spot in the season finale at Turning Stone Casino on August 23 - 26. Mike can be reached at 518-356-7163.
Main Event
1st Dennis Hatch $1,000.00
2nd Nelson Oliviera $700.00
3rd Bucky Souvanthong $500.00
4th Russ Philp $400.00
5th Mike Zuglan $250.00
5th Spencer Auigbelle $250.00
Second Chance Event
1st Jerry Crowe $300.00
2nd Ed Saur $200.00
3rd Tim Parisian $140.00
4th Marko Clarke $100.00

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