German youngster defeated van Oosterhout without any problems

Dec 9, 2012

No big deal for Hoiss
Tobias Hoiss (GER)
Tobias Hoiss (GER) just defeated Danny van Oosterhout (NED) with 9:4 in the quarter-finals of the EPBF Bridge to Career. The quarter-final matches had a special significance today. The contestants knew that the winners of the quarter-finals would be in the prize pool of the event. That increased the pressure considerably. Hoiss seemed to be able to handle that stress a bit better than his Dutch opponent. He was not really playing his A-game but he was still more in the zone than van Oosterhout. After four racks, Hoiss was already leading 3:1. Van Oosterhout took a time-out and tried to get back on track. But he could not get into shape the way he would have wanted to. He did win the first rack after the time-out but then Hoiss took four consecutive racks off him to make the score 7:3. That was probably too much for van Oosterhout. He could not come up with any more resistance and Hoiss was able to win the match with 9:4.
The results of the quarter-finals were:
Lars Kuckherm GER v Christoph Kugel GER 9 : 3
Marco Dorenburg GER v Ramazan Akdag GER 9 : 8
Tobias Hoiss GER v Danny van Oosterhout NED 9 : 4
Christian Schmidt GER v Ivo Aarts NED 5 : 9
The semi-final matches will be:
Ivo Aarts NED v Tobias Hoiss GER
Marco Dorenburg GER v Lars Kuckherm GER
The semi-final matches will begin at 10:30 CET. The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website , follow us on twitter @EPBF_News or contact our press office.

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