“Friends of the CBSA” Prize Winners

Jun 28, 2015

The CBSA would like to announce its latest “Friends of the CBSA” prize winners……
Kevin Knowler from Ontario won our last cue prize valued at over $900!
Mike Patay from Ontario won the set of Super Aramith TV Pro Cup balls valued at over $350 and with a signed cue ball from 3 Canadian Champions John Morra, Jason Klatt and Erik Hjorleifson.
Congratulations gentlemen and thanks to everyone who supported us!
The “Friends of the CBSA” program is an individual sponsorship program.  In the program a person pays an annual membership fee of $20 and in exchange receives the following benefits:

Qualify for special offers & draws
Receive the CBSA E-Blast newsletter to keep up-to-date on the latest Canadian pool news, player results, and CBSA events
Acknowledgment on the cbsa.ca website

As an example if 1000 people became “Friends of the CBSA” we could have $20,000 to add to our events each year. There must be at least that many people in Canada who love the game of pool and who would like to see it grow and improve.
Currently at the 2015 Canadian Amateur Championships in Saint John, NB we are selling raffle tickets on a cue valued at over $800 and second prize is a set of Aramith Super Pro balls signed by 3 Canadian Champions Jason Klatt, John Morra and Erik Hjorliefson. If you are a “Friend of the CBSA” you will have one entry for this draw. This draw will be done on Sunday 28 June 15.
Please become a member today!
Sign up with PayPal here.
For more information contact Kyle Richard, any of the CBSA board members or you can visit our website www.cbsa.ca.
If you cannot become a member please tell every person that you know who plays cue sports in Canada about the “Friends of the CBSA” program.
In the coming months the CBSA will have an additional “Friends of the CBSA” program in motion.
Stay tuned and thank you!

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