Mar 21, 2014

The weekend of March 15th/March 16th was a mini pool festival at Petrina’s in Ajax. Following up on the weekly Friday night tournament the venue hosted two events for its eight-ball series on Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday Event 5: $400 Added  20 Players
The usual collection of pool hall junkies gathered for the Saturday event.  Many had participated on Friday night’s round robin and were well practised for the modified double elimination tour event.
Left to Right - Blair Janes, Dan Seens, Paul Cummins, Richard Harvey, Geoff Mceachern, Brian Belobradic, Martin Yacobazzo,Leon Curtin, Greg Ross
On the A-Side Geoff Mceachern (100), the “Fort Frances Fury” eased his way to the hot seat with wins of (5-3) over Wayne Tate (108), a decisive (8-1) defeat of Dan Seens (66), a tense climatic finish (5-5) against the ever competitive Brad Guthrie (113) and a (6-1) romp over Randy Johnson (93) that sent him to the A-Side Final.  The ever contending Brian Belobradic (117) benefiting from a first round bye only had to face three opponents to make it to the A-Side Final.   With wins of (8-1) against tour rookie Tony Guymer (58), (8-2) over George Cuvalo (88) and a surgical excision of (9-1) against Blair Janes (66) Brian made it to A-Side finale primed for competition.
Geoff Mceachern and Brian Belobradic battled in a turbulent match that saw Brian take a (4-1) lead only to relinquish the next four games and lose the match (5-5).  Congratulations to the “Fort Frances Fury”, he came to play and emerged the day’s winner.
The B-Side was as hotly contested as the A-Side.  Paul Cummins (87), disappointed with an A-Side loss to Leon Curtin (89) changed his form and came out to play on the B-Side.  With a B-Side bye awarded to him Paul Cummins was only two wins away from the final and quickly dispatched Tony Guymer (58) by a score of (6-0) and easily defeated Larry Deguara (73) by a  score of (5-1) to take his seat in the B-Side hot seat.
Dan Seens (66), was a pool dynamo for this event. He won his first match (3-2) in an upset victory over Jody Squires (88). Dan was dumped from the A-Side (8-1) by the tournament winner Geoff Mceachern (100).  Faced with a long B-Side Dan chalked up and came out shooting.  Dan (66) dunked Frank Kakouros (58) by  a score of (4-1).  The next match saw Dan take down perennial favourite Wayne Tate (108) by a (3-3) score. The day was just getting tougher for Dan as he matched up next with Andy Mizan (110) and won by a (3-4) score making it to the B-Side Final.
Paul Cummins (87) and Dan Seens (66) played a quick lopsided match which left the latter on the sidelines as Paul racked up a (6-0) victory winning the B-Side.
With Saturday done all players were primed for play on Sunday.
For full tournament bracket visit
Geoff Mceachern (100)                 $260   +  $200 Calcutta
Brian Belobradic (117)                    $175   +  $135 Calcutta
Paul Cummins 87)                            $175   +  $135 Calcutta
Dan Seens (66)                                  $115   +  $85 Calcutta

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