Floyd Ziegler - Canadian Senior Snooker Champion

Apr 30, 2018

This past weekend the 2018 Senior Snooker Championships was held at Corner Bank in Toronto, the event is relatively new on CBSA calendar and is in memory of a great ambassador to the game, the late William “Dutch” DeBoer. It was a great honor to have Dutch’s wife Betty and daughter Debbie present during the finals to award the players trophies and prizes. Congratulations to Floyd Ziegler on a well deserved victory and to the runner up Fern Loyer on a very strong finish. On behalf of the CBSA and Corner Bank we would like to thank each and every player, spectator and supporter who made this event such a great success !

With Canada having such a rich history in snooker over the past years the CBSA is excited to be announcing some ground breaking news at the start of the upcoming Open Snooker Championships starting on May 3 through 6.

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