Final Thoughts on 2014 Mosconi Cup

Dec 7, 2014

Got back home and wanted to share some of my thoughts on what in my opinion, was one of the best Mosconi cups ever. The event gets better every year and it amazes me how Matchroom and SKY Sports continue to put forth this kind of effort year after year and find ways to make this event the best on the planet, bar none.
I wanted to address a few points from an inside perspective if you will. Photo courtesy of JP Parmentier Photo & Graphics
Firstly, I honestly believe in all of my 21 years attending and working at this event, that the USA is making the right moves towards securing a brighter future for their sport in America. The Varners, Stricklands and Archers have laid a foundation that the younger players now have to build on. Anybody that doesn't think these players who represented the USA didn't deserve to be there just needed to see what I saw. And remember "experience is what you get when you needed it". The younger players will be that much better for this event and trust me, they will tell all of their friends and anybody that asks them that they have no idea what its like over there, none. Words can't describe the feeling these guys lived in real time. And John Schmidt was as classy as any USA fan could ever have asked for, he never once refused to support the team or be there for encouragement. Of course he didn't play his game, hardly any of the Americans did, but he nor his team mates didn't quit on the team philosophy at any time and THAT is why Mark Wilson picked them. They brought respect and honor to the sport and that is where it all needs to start again.
With regards to Shane and his performance over there. Have you ever seen Shane getting out of his chair and talking to his fellow players like that before, ever? He bought into what Mark has selling and that was clearly shown. He racked balls for the players for hours and helped them all work on the break. He became a leader there, not a role Shane has ever had in a Mosconi Cup. But he will grow into it and make every American proud, just wait and see. His performance was muted by the format and that is the simple truth. A man can beat a thoroughbred horse in a 100 yard dash, stretch it out a bit and good luck to that man. Shane is a thoroughbred - period!
Its tough to explain but I can only put it down to the fact that team Europe gel and accept the team event concept a bit better than the USA does. This is something that Mark and his team will certainly be addressing from today on. But it will be addressed make no mistake.
But the sport of pool was the winner here and for that we just have to thank Matchroom Sport and Sky TV. If we had more events like this in a calendar year how easy would it be to sell this game to corporate America.
Next one looks to be back in Vegas. I expect preparations will be starting for Mark Wilson very soon in 2015. I hope all the fans in the US can get behind him and his team as they start the next journey. Its a process and I for one like the way the building blocks are starting to form.
Of course everyone is entitled to an opinion and I hope that by sharing mine I have shed a bit more light on things. Being there allows one to see a bit more than what TV might allow. They don't call it the Tower Circus for nothing - thats something I learned.
And finally a shameless plug for my new club set to open in about a weeks time. It is called the Corner Bank and will be located in Toronto. It boasts three - 12 food screens, sixteen - 60 inch tv monitors, a 60 foot bar along with 28 Diamond tables and 8 professional snooker tables all waiting to be occupied. If your ever up that way stop in for a beer and a game.
All the very best over the holidays. Health and Prosperity to all!
Jim Wych

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