Jan 26, 2017

It was a foggy damp weekend at Shooters for this past weekend’s 8 and under 9 ball event. Again capped at a one day event there were 38 different shooters that came out to compete for the $1,720. Some of the favorites which were made clear by the calcutta included: Ronald Giron, Jun Briones, Jeff Robson, and Ryann Malinao. Surprisingly though all but Ronald were knocked out before the money.
In the last 12 there were Nito Bucais versus Jehlar Fernandez and Ronald Giron versus Ryann Malinao on the A side. On the B side there was Kevin Oliveira versus Jun Briones, Isaac Ramos versus John Croft, Eric Vandervlugt versus Nathan Clarke, and Darwin Madraija versus Dylan Egget. Both Nito and Jehlar played fantastically against each other, however, Jehlar is still too strong as he wins 6-2 and in the other A side match, Ronald goes toe to toe with Ryann after taking an early 2-0 lead, closing out the match at 7-6. The B side started off rocky for Jun as Kevin’s tight play kept him contained. Jun couldn’t find his gear and succumbed to Kevin losing 6-1. John Croft who has made a surprise appearance managed to go toe to toe with Isaac winning 5-4 and advancing to play Kevin. The match between Eric and Nathan was super tight, Eric was on hill at 4-4 and Nathan managed to pull out those two extra wins to advance one round further. Dylan was the beneficiary of his match with Darwin and now faces Nathan to guarantee himself 7th or 8th place.
Continuing with the B side matches, Kevin made a few mistakes against John which allowed him to take the match hill-hill, however, Kevin did manage to close the match out and now advances to play Nito. The other B side match was just as exciting in a different way. Nathan barbeques Dylan 6-0. He starts that bbq off with a break and run and with a few unlucky roles Dylan could not find his rhythm. This now leaves Ryann to face Nathan in the A side quarter finals. Kevin who lost his first match and fought from the B side, finally ran out of steam against Nito and loses 5-4. Simultaneously, Nathan kept his good form consistent even though he was going up against one of the best players there and managed to go head to head with Ryann winning 6-5.
This now sets up the rematch between Nito and Nathan. There is also the fact that there are now only Asians left, three Filipinos versus one Chinese! Can the Chinese Assassin take home the dough? It was Nito that sent Nathan to the B side with a large amount of luck on his side, but also good playing. Nito did not play as strong due to fatigue and luck was not a factor. This allowed Nathan to take the match winning 6-3. Jehlar is Nathan’s next opponent and he comes out of the gate running taking an early 2-0 lead and keeping that distance until Nathan finally hits back making hill-hill with Nathan to break. Unfortunately, Nathan does not make anything and Jehlar makes a nice runout to close out the match and play Ronald in the final. Ronald makes no mistake beating Jehlar 7-4 and winning another tournament!

Congratulations to Ronald for his second tournament win at Shooters and special mention to Jehlar and Nathan for their continued high finishes. Please take note of the upcoming event this weekend. The first installment of the Silver Jubilee tournaments, the group shootout where Shooters is adding $1,500! Perhaps just as important is the fact that Shooters has dedicated the time and money to redoing the tables and the rails for you guys. Hope to see you all out here this weekend!
Field: 38 Registered Players (One Day Event)
Prize: $1,720 ( No Green Fee - 100% PayOut)
Calcutta: $1,310
1. Ronald Giron $600
2. Jehlar Fernandez $390
3. Nathan Clarke $260
4. Nito Bucais $170
5. Ryann Malinao $100
6. Kevin Oliveira $100
7. Dylan Eggett $50
8. John Croft $50
***Calcutta not included***
28th January 2017 – Group Shootout – Silver Jubilee - $1,500 Added.

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