Feijen creamed Alcaide

Apr 14, 2013

Koshovyi sends "The Maharaja" to the loser's side
Portoroz, Slovenia: Niels Feijen (NED) just outscored David Alcaide (ESP) with 8:3.
Niels Feijen (NED)
The start was a bit rough for Feijen since his break shot did not work too well for him. But he still got his chances and used them so Alcaide could not get away. After four racks, the match was even at 2:2. Feijen left a better impression though. He was constant in his position play and shot- making. Alcaide had gathered his points by sometimes fixing position errors which showed that he was not too happy with his game. At 3:3, Feijen shifted into overdrive and did not commit any mistakes anymore.
Alcaide could not keep up with Feijen and had to give in, accepting an 8:3 victory for Feijen. Since that was the winner's qualification round, Alcaide will get another chance to join Feijen in the single elimination round of the final 64 players.
Other notable results include Artem Koshovyi (UKR) winning quite clearly with 8:4 over "The Maharaja" Imran Majid (GBR).
In the women's division, young Kristina Zlateva (BUL) was able to win her match over Kateryna Polovinchuk (UKR) with 6:4. The same result was good for Melissa Rademakers (NED) in her contest with Vania Franco(POR).
In the wheelchair division, Emil Schranz (AUT) had to accept a painful 1:5 hammering against Tankred "Tai" Volkmer (GER).
The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the
federation website www.epconline.eu or contact our press office.

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