Expect the Unexpected

Aug 31, 2016

What a weekend to prep the up and coming summer finale for the 9 ball amateur tour! There were some unexpected results of this weeks 8 and under event. Especially with one of the tournament favourites, Carlin Sanderson going two and out. The last 12 had a mix of different ranks. On the A-side there was Alan Williams versus Ben Heywood and Ryan Gammy versus Joshua Bryan. Whereas on the B-side, the four matches consisted of Manny Yumul versus Romeo Zulueta, Tony Hong versus Froland Magsanoc, Marco Sevilla versus Stefane Godinho and Adam Roos versus Bernie Collins.
With none of the A side finalists being powerhouses it was hard to predict a winner. In the first match Alan Williams managed to take the edge over Ben Heywood winning hill-hill. While in the other match Joshua manages to take the win over Ryan. The top half of the B-side consisted mostly of Filipinos. Froland emerged victorious out of the bunch beating Tony 5-2 and Manny 6-1 and is now set to face Ben Heywood in the B-side semifinals. On the bottom side of the B bracket Adam Roos put on a strong showing with his confidence high after beating another tournament favourite Waleed Hashem. Adam Roos then went on to beat both Bernie and Stefane 5-3 and is set to face Ryan Gammy in the opposite B-side semifinal match.
The herd has now thinned out with only 6 players remaining from the original 27 at the start of the day. Joshua Bryan skunked Alan Williams 4-0 to advance to the A side final and guarantee him first or second place. Alan Williams is sitting in the hot seat waiting for the winner between Adam Roos and Ben Heywood. Ben put a stop to Adam’s streak beating him 6-3 and continues his run beating Alan by the same margin.

The final match is now between Ben and Joshua. It was a back and forth match which ended hill-hill. It could’ve gone either way, but Joshua had a nice run to finish as this week’s tournament winner!
As always Shooters Snooker Club would like to thank all the players who came out to play and support the 8 and under 9 Ball event. Shooters will continue to create tournaments to help develop players and push them to new heights. More importantly, huge congratulations to Joshua Bryan who won not only this event but won a qualifier earlier last week. Additionally, Shooters would like to make an honourable mention to Ben Heywood who fought hard from the B-side and only lost hill-hill. MORE IMPORTANTLY shooters would like to mention that next week (September 3rd) will be the finale of the summer session for the Amateur 9 Ball Tour and the start of the new 404 9 Ball and Amateur Tours will start the weekend after. Lastly, Shooters is coming out with a brand new 10 Ball Tour to start in October.
Prize Payout: $900
Calcutta: $680
1. Joshua Bryan – $370
2. Ben Heywood – $250
3. Alan Williams – $170
4. Adam Roos – $110
**Calcutta Not Included**

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