De Laat Seals Hill Hill Pool Victory On Debut

Jun 26, 2014

On Cue Billiards - 24th June 2014
Season 1 - Week 2
Ivar De Laat
Ivar De Laat joined the Hill Hill Pool fold this Tuesday at On Cue Billiards and did not disappoint on the baize at his first event. Much like the Dutch soccer team at this years World Cup, De Laat never looked like losing from the outset. A whitewash of Miroslav Jeliaskoff in the opening match-up set the standard and the destiny of the competitors in the rounds to come was looking ominous.
Rob Newsome proved the only minor tarnish on the scorecard of the Dutchman, as in their match he took the big man all the way to a deciding frame. De Laat prevailed though and swept through the A-side with seemingly little resistance.
Ryan Kasperowitsch
On the B-side, Jeliaskoff put on a show after his early set back. Some dazzling shots amazed onlookers, however a lack of consistency was his downfall this week, but the ever improving Bulgarian looks set to be a future contender.
Newsome matched up with De Laat once more after 3-1 victories over Jeliaskoff and last weeks runner-up Ryan Kasperowitsch. De Laat had to wait a while for his final opponent but was not caught cold. After taking the first frame with consummate ease, a tense safety battle ensued in the second. Newsome made the first mistake yet De Laat was unable to capitalize and the match was tied at one-a-piece. Another easy frame for De Laat in the third brought a change of tactics from the Brit, Newsome. Some attacking play saw a clever shot in which the tied-up 7-ball was potted and released the 6 simultaneously but it was not rewarded. A poor safety let in the Dutchman to clear the table and take victory in his debut with Hill Hill Pool.
Steely determination, great shot selection and consistent play won the day and De Laat is surely a force to be reckoned with. The high standard of play from all competitors was impressive and will bring out the best in everyone's game as the weeks progress.
Week 2 Champion - Ivar De Laat
Hill Hill Pool is seeking Toronto's top amateurs who want to raise their game, challenge themselves and compete against like-minded opponents all in search of that elusive 'perfection'. Zero handicap 8-ball tournaments run every Tuesday at On Cue Billiards (349 Jane St). See for more details.

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