Daniel Vincent MacIntyre 1957-2013 - Rest In Peace

Oct 3, 2013

Daniel Vincent MacIntyre 1957-2013
A great friend to all pool players in North America has passed away.  Vince was very generous as he enjoyed promoting players around the Toronto area.  He was always sharply-dressed had a great reputation on and off the pool table. Vince had won numerous titles throughout the country and North America.
He would play anyone at any time and at the end of the day, regardless if he won or lost he was always gracious.  When gambling, he cared more about the competition than winning.  However, when he was part of a team, he elevated his game and his only goal was to win, which he did quite often.  It is safe to say that he has won more team titles in Canada than anyone else in the game.
We have all lost a truly great man.
RIP Vince

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