CSI Live Streaming & Video Capability

Mar 6, 2014

CueSports International, Henderson, Nevada (March 6, 2014) – CSI is proud to announce that it will begin live streaming its own events, Podcasts, challenge matches, instructional content, and much more.
Previously, live streaming and video recording of CSI content was done by The Action Report (TAR) as a collaborative effort with CSI.  Moving forward, this will be an internal capability.  CSI tournaments, Podcasts, challenge matches, instructional content, and other video content will be viewable from the CSI live streaming page, CSI Ustream channel, or CSI YouTube channel.
Please stay tuned and look for the new enhancements to our online presence in the coming months.
CSI Website: http://www.playcsipool.com/Home.aspx
CSI Live Streaming Page: http://www.playcsipool.com/LiveStreaming.aspx
CSI Ustream Channel: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/cuesports-international
CSI YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtBRGZemSuj6k30FMQf4nJw
CSI is dedicated to creating more choices for all players.  In the past 9 years CSI has directly paid out $9,000,000 to players.  CSI is the parent company of the BCA Pool League and the USA Pool League.  CSI also produces independent events such as the US Bar Table Championships, the Jay Swanson Memorial, the US Open One Pocket Championship, the US Open 8-Ball Championship and the US Open 10-Ball Championship. Visit www.playcsipool.com, www.playbca.com, and www.playusapool.com for more information about CSI and its divisions.

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