Corner Bank Series Announces Postponement

Jun 20, 2016

It is with a great sense of disappointment that the owners of The Corner Bank in Toronto must announce that their plans for The Corner Bank 10 Ball Series are now on hiatus. Quite simply, our guarantee of funding evaporated over the weekend and has made our plans for beginning a series this September unrealistic.

We are hard at work attempting to re-engage with financial supporters and hope to resurrect the Series at some point in the future. Until this materializes we can only offer our sincere apologies to all who put in so much effort to plan the Series and for the disappointment that this obviously means to our friends the players and to the industry supporters who had already signed on to make our plans possible.

It has always been our hope that our efforts to grow the game would help everyone involved in any and all aspects of pool. That remains our goal. We will continue our efforts and will assist anyone in the industry who shares that goal to achieve their dreams. Please be alert for future announcements.

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