Colin Kerr clicks for a Win

Apr 6, 2016

The second of five events of the Petrina’s Bar-Box 8-Ball Series was contested  on April 3rd. The format is tough for many because after your first round “mulligan” match you cannot lose again. The series is double handicapped in entry fees and races and so affords the weaker player every opportunity to excel.  All players are awarded points based on their finish in the tournament and are competing for a prize fund at the end of the series.
The field of fourteen was strong and deep with the likes of Ben Fraser (8), Colin Kerr (8), Al Kinghorn (8) Jim Pickett (7) and Greg Ross (7) all stoked for the battle on the bar-box. First round results definitely favoured the stronger handicaps.  Ben Fraser (8) defeated Tim Jukes (5) by a lopsided (8-0) result. Colin Kerr showed he came to play defeating Ron Scriver (6) by and score of(8-1). Al Kinghorn (8) and Scott Schinkel (7) battled to a (7-6) result in Schinkel’s corner.  Greg Ross (7) send Mike Van Eck (7) to the B-Side with a (7-0) wallop. Jim Pickett (7), the B-Side winner from our first event walked over Frank Kakouros (5) in a quick (7-0) thumping.
The second round on the A-side was a great spectacle for pool fans.  Jim Pickett battled Angela Carrigan (7) and had a (6-2) lead before Angela regrouped and put her sharp honed skills to the matter at hand.  She ground back to a 6-6 hill-hill match.  Angela managed to make it to the black after a great eight-ball run-out but missed the black and let Jim sweep the table for the win.  Ben Fraser, a contender in any event he enters battled Scott Schinkel (7) but was worn down by the alternate break format and lost (7-5).
Ron Scriver (6) came up short against Joshua Bryan (6) in a back and forth (6-5) match. Al Kinghorn (8) had no difficulty and dispatched Tim Jukes (5) easily by and (8-0) result.  Our B-Side finale was a a match between Al Kinghorn and Mick Van Eck.  In the end Al Kinghorn edged Mike Van Eck in a hill-hill final by  an (8-7) score. On the A-side Colin Kerr faced Greg Ross and rolled over the Petrina’s Cup leader by an (8-2) score.

The next event is April 23 and the added money will be $300.
1st Colin Kerr               $175/$160
2nd Greg Ross              $130/$90
3rd Al Kinghorn             $130/$90
4th Mike Van Eck          $90
Our point leaderboard after two events
1.     Jim Pickett (7)              17
2.     Joshua Bryan (6)         16
3.     Al Kinghorn (8)             16
4.     Leanne Linni (5)           14
5.     Greg Ross (7)              14
6.     Mike Van Eck (7)         14
7.     Ron Scriver (6)            13
8.     Jeff Smith (4)               12
9.     Angela Carrigan (7)     12
10.  Colin Kerr (8)               10
The Final Event Added is already over $800.00 Time for players to step up and play

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